Evina is a fast growing company that recruits the best talent from around the world

Open positions

Evina is headquartered in Paris, and now has a new office in Dubai. However, Evina team members are present all over the world. If you’re brilliant, bold, and conscientious. If you like to go fast, solve complex problems, take care of others. If you say what you do and do what you say. If you want to build a better future, where the internet brings prosperity and not crime. Get in touch with us. We’re recruiting.



We constantly strive for excellence for ourselves and our company.

  • Reliability – We say what we do, we do what we say.
  • Speed & efficiency – Decision-making does not wait for the next meeting. we apply the 80-20 rule.
  • Conscientiousness – We accomplish our work diligently.
  • Bold – We act with determination and responsiveness when a necessary action is identified.
  • Staying ahead – We always ask ourselves what we can improve in our daily work, we reach out to our peers (internal and external).
  • Limitless – We find innovative solutions and workarounds in any situation.


We constantly strive for excellence for ourselves and our company.

  • Reliability – We say what we do, we do what we say.
  • Speed & efficiency – Decision-making does not wait for the next meeting. we apply the 80-20 rule.
  • Conscientiousness – We accomplish our work diligently.
  • Bold – We act with determination and responsiveness when a necessary action is identified.
  • Staying ahead – We always ask ourselves what we can improve in our daily work, we reach out to our peers (internal and external).
  • Limitless – We find innovative solutions and workarounds in any situation.


We want to provide you with the best possible candidate experience. All steps are considered key to enable you and us to assess whether our collaboration would be beneficial for you and Evina.

The whole process can be conducted via video chat.

First, you will meet our Head of People. Then, your future manager will interview you. A reference check will be made by our Head of People (peers and managers). If you are applying for a management position, you will also meet your future team and our CEO. If you are applying for an IT position, you may be required to take a technical test online.

If the process is successful, we will call you to offer you the position and explain the conditions. We then formalize the offer by email. If you accept, we celebrate and the onboarding begins! If the process is unsuccessful, we will always follow up with a clear explanation.

Perks and benefits of working at Evina